FOU Zone “A” Nets N5.9 billion in 2017…179 Arrested for Smuggling
The Federal Operations Unit (FOU) Zone "A" Ikeja of the Nigeria Customs Service, NCS, made the highest revenue ever in its anti-smuggling operations by generating N5.9 billion in 2017, despite the harsh economic environment.
This figure included the sum of N1.9 billion from duty payments and demand notices on general goods at seaports, airports and bordet stations in the South West of Nigeria. Most importers and customs agents often try to short- change the Federal Government through wrong classification of goods, transfer of value and other deliberate schemes to evade duty payment.
During the year under review, the unit made a total of 1046 seizures and 179 suspects arrested for smuggling parboiled rice, frozen poultry products, vegetable oil, Indian hemp, arms and fake pharmace...