Wednesday, October 23Nigeria's Authoritative Maritime News Magazine

Gov Diri Warns Fuel Marketers Against Hoarding, Price Hike

Bayelsa State Governor, Senator Douye Diri, on Tuesday directed oil marketers in the state against hoarding and raising the price of premium motor spirit (PMS) otherwise known as petrol.

Senator Diri, in a statement issued by his Chief Press Secretary, Mr. Daniel Alabrah, warned that his administration will take stern measures against any filling station that flouted the directive.

He said the government had received reports that filling stations in the state capital had hiked the pump price of petrol above the usual price of between N193 and N250 per litre and now being sold at N500 per litre and above.

Marketers in the state are said to have reacted to the pronouncement of President Bola Tinubu during his inauguration on Monday that the Federal Government subsidy on petrol “was gone.”

The Presidency, however, issued a clarification statement on Tuesday that the removal of the subsidy was yet to take effect.

The Bayelsa governor said it was wicked for oil marketers to swiftly seek to profiteer at the detriment of the people following a mere pronouncement that had not taken effect.

He noted that the pump price of petrol is a significant determinant of the cost of goods and services in the country and that his administration would not allow the people of Bayelsa to suffer undue hardship from the profiteering activities of greedy businessmen.

Diri said he had directed the Ministry of Mineral Resources and the petroleum task force in the state to shut down any filling station hoarding the product or caught selling above the usual price.

He said: “I have directed the relevant ministry and the state’s task force on petroleum to ensure that all filling stations sell petrol within the usual price range.

“I have equally directed that any filling station that flouts this directive or fails to revert to the usual price be shut down. We will take further stern measures against any station that defaults.

“This directive takes immediate effect.”