Tuesday, March 11Nigeria's Authoritative Maritime News Magazine

*ANLCA BoT Elections and Matters Arising .By ASU BEKS

The upcoming election into the nine-man Board of Trustees of the Association of Nigerian Licensed Customs Agents is increasingly getting wide media attention, unprecedented in the 70 years history of the body. This is perhaps the most contentious election in the history of the Association. With a stupendous N1.2 million fee for obtaining the form, there is no doubt that the stakes are very high.

But stakeholders are curious about what the eventual winners are likely to benefit from a job with no statutory benefits. Or are we too blind to see the milk and honey which lie ahead of the prospective BoT members? Trust Nigerians, contestants are already making all manner of promises. Some are realistic, while some others are esoteric and laughable.
With the elections holding simultaneously in the various zones in a couple of days, I won’t be surprised if some of aspirants promise to sink boreholes or build barracks and hospitals for Customs officers. I wish the contestants the best of luck.