Tuesday, March 11Nigeria's Authoritative Maritime News Magazine


Minister of Transportation, Engr Muazu Jaji Sambo has been a wonderful person, one that grew from grass to grace, a professional to the core.

Before becoming Minister of Transportation, he had previously worked with the Nigerian Ports Authority and National Inland Waterways Authority, NIWA. Sambo is an exceptional leader, compared with other Transportation Ministers we have had over time .He is blessed with wisdom and knowledge. He is upright and very straightforward, a leader you could trust.We have worked with him severally and Labour will definitely miss him. He is a man of wisdom, a knowledgeable person, a man that believes in objectivity, a straightforward person. A man that believe in his yes.

I’ve worked with him severally and we are going to miss him. We will miss him because of his quality of leadership and his open door policy. His doors are wide open for you to discuss your problem with him. If we had our way , we will carry placard against the incoming government to retain him, to enable him complete the assignment of repositioning the maritime sector properly.

He is the kind of Minister the maritime sector needs at this critical time. Sambo is arguably a team player , not a boss .He see himself as a supervisor, supervising this position, supervising his office and all the people that are with him. I had an encounter with him about two or three months ago, when Labour sent a letter for an urgent matter in the port and when he saw the letter from Maritime Workers Union of Nigeria, he invited us for a meeting, when we arrived he was already waiting for us at the Conference room…this is the kind of leader Sambo is , he does not joke with workers welfare. even before our arrival , he has been at the conference room waiting for us . He is such a leader that believes in action. So, he is somebody that leads from the front, he is not an authoritarian. minister. And if you see him and the Minister of State , they all like a brothers, they are like twins. They work together unlike before .

You and I know what has been happening before now in the maritime sector where you don’t even know whether there’s a Minister of Transport, whether there’s Minister of State.There was nothing like a lacuna between the two of them. Sambo is a wonderful leader ,someone that believes in protecting the welfare of workers. He has so much respect for the union, infact anything that concerns the union He wades in promptly , crises that would have engulfed the sector leading to stoppage of work at the ports.

The moment his attenton is drawn to a crisis, he call whoever that is charge be he the MD of NPA or the ES Shippers Council. Maritine Workers Union of Nigeria hereby demand that Sambo be given an opportunity to continue with his good works at the Ministry of Transportation second chance.We want him to be consistent and should not change his good character, the good character that all of us know him for and can attest to.